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FOSTEC Ventures GmbH invests in companies – predominantly those with a focus in the digital sector – and occupies a number of management positions within companies in its portfolio.

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A selection from our public portfolio:


CEC Connect eCommerce GmbH

Connect-eCommerce was founded by Adrian Hotz und Marc Pöpplow. The company represents a fast, risk-free and uncomplicated recruiting for e-commerce which is secured by a strong network. Ahead of activating headhunters and job portals they are the prior point of contact, matching suitable candidates within their network for advertised positions of their customers. The search is free of charge. Therefore this provided service is without risk for their customers. Gathered a fitting candidate, they connect customer and candidate directly to initiate a first personal meeting.

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The Global Marketplace Group GmbH

factor-a wurde 2015 rund um E-Commerce-Unternehmer und Experten Alexander Graf, Adrian Hotz und Markus Fost gegründet. Das Dienstleistungsunternehmen unterstützt Hersteller in allen operativen Fragen der Umsatzsteigerung, der Markenführung und des Qualitätsmanagements auf Amazon. factor-a ist seit September 2016 subsumiert als Geschäftsbereich in der neu gegründeten The Global Marketplace Group GmbH – TGMG. Unter diesem Dach finden Markenhersteller mit factor-b und factor-c auch spezialisierte Full-Service-Bereiche für eBay sowie die chinesischen Marktplätze Tmall (Alibaba Group) und Unter der Führung der erfahrenen Unternehmer Marc Aufzug und Dominik Bors verfolgt TGMG einen technologie-orientierten Ansatz. Dazu gehören die Optimierung von Produktdaten (MPO), das Marktplatz-Advertising (MPA) sowie das gesamte datengetriebene Account-Handling (MPI) ebenso wie unterstützende Software-Tools. Das stark wachsende, rund 30-köpfige Team von TGMG sitzt in Köln.

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MFS Pharma Vertrieb GmbH

VIRTUSIN® is a nutritional supplement that contains exclusively high-quality ingredients and is 100% free from artificial additives. It is designed to act as a gentle yet effective source of nourishment for body and mind. The focus of the product is on the optimisation of cognitive functions and the reduction of stress during challenging periods of life, such as examinations or a busy work schedule.

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XciteRC Logo

XciteRC Modellbau GmbH & Co. KG

XciteRC Modellbau GmbH & Co. KG was founded in spring 2013 by Gunther Mürdter, Werner Bergbauer and Markus Fost and develops and produces model-building products and toys that are sold via specialist retailers. To enable the company to appeal to a diverse range of target groups, XCite RC products are sold under the sub-brands XciteRC Fun, XciteRC Hobby, XciteRC Professional, XciteRC Military and energyXXL.

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FOSTEC Ventures GmbH
Königstraße 10C
D-70173 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49 (0) 711 222 54 464
Telefax: +49 (0) 711 222 54 200